Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ABC - An Accomplished Woman

Accomplishment - a definition:


  1. Something that has been achieved successfully.
  2. The successful achievement of a task.

According to Pride and Prejudice:  HERE
Of this list, I have 7 out of 10 qualities.

Ahh..., but here is a modern version of an accomplished woman: HERE 
Goodness... out of the 19 I maybe have 5 or 6 of those traits!

Therefore, since I did not do too well with the lists, I should, instead, go by the definition.  I will say that the which I have successfully achieved, whether it be a task or possession, is my marriage.  When I look back at all that my husband and I have endured and look forward to - together - I can say that my marriage is an accomplishment for which I am very proud of.

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