Raising My Own Modern Day Knights - Points to Ponder

Points to Ponder:

Point to Ponder... Do you tell your son you are proud of him only AFTER he does something well? Your son needs to know you love him and you are proud of him unconditionally. Tell him today.
Pondering #1

"What do you love to do with your son?". Today, ask your son what HE loves to do with YOU. Then put it on the calendar and commit to go do that.

"My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. " - Jim Valvano

Does your son know that you believe in him? How does he know it? What words or actions have you shared that communicates it?

RMDK Tip# 423:
Lead and model a balanced life...establish work boundaries (and stick to them!). Put work appointments in pencil and family commitments in pen.

What do you love to do with your son?

"The dinner table is more than food. It can be a medium that allows families to transfer spiritual and moral values from one generation to the next." - Patrick Morley, Man Alive.  Make having dinner together a family priority.

 Your son, created in the image of God, is uniquely gifted with strengths and abilities. It's your job to help him discover and develop them to advance the Kingdom.  "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them." ~ Ephesians 2:10

Your son's desires are written on his heart. When was the last time you listened to his dreams for the future? Have you helped him set the goals he'd like to make for himself? Have you encouraged him to pursue his interests? What specific things have you done to focus him in the areas which he's naturally gifted?

If you knew you only had one final conversation left to have with your son, what would you say?
Pondering #7

‎"Fathers, do not exasperate your children, so that they will not lose heart." ~ Colossians 3:21 
Often times, our "fatherly advice" sounds like criticism to our sons. When we speak into our son's life, we will be wise to answer the following question: "Is this something I want to say or is it something my son needs to hear?" What we feel like saying often times isn't what our sons need to hear. It's easy to point out the negatives. Find the positives and encourage him today.

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