Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Own Modern Day Knights - #1

#1 - Point to Ponder... Do you tell your son you are proud of him only AFTER he does something well? Your son needs to know you love him and you are proud of him unconditionally. Tell him today.

Rick - I want to tell you that I AM very proud of you for the man you are becoming. I love the way that you help others. The way you jump in and help with babysitting; the way that you went, on your own, to volunteer at the Animal Shelter; the way you console your Dad with Gramma Jean's cancer; your empathy towards others; your righteous anger at religious wars and hypocrisy.  Your bread is wonderful and PRETTY! Thank you for sharing it with others.  If I love you this much, I cannot imagine how much MORE Jesus loves you!

Mother's Day 2012

Ben - Proud beyond measure! My buttons pop when I think of how wonderful your book is! How do you come up with all of that stuff??? Where is it inside your head?  You keep yourself organized and on task and that is a wonderful trait that all employers will want.  You are my Water-Nazi and I thank you for that.  Your compassion for others is limitless. Your sense of humor and witty comebacks never fail to make me laugh. I said when you were a baby that you had a laugh that can make the Angels smile and you DO! I'm so happy that you are my son, I cannot imagine the depth of the happiness that Jesus has for you.

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