Right now Rick has his temps. Ben is next. When the time came for me to take Behind-the-Wheel, I was in California living with my Dad. I didn't want to drive on the freeways, so I skipped that part. When I got back to Wisconsin though, my Mom made me get back into it all. So I took Behind-the-wheel with the next class. I already had my class time in, all that was left was Behind-the-wheel.
This was the hard part. I was supposed to put in so much time every week with my Mom. The hard part was that she didn't believe in me. She claimed I was terrible and she was terrified and just couldn't do it. So, I didn't get any practice time in between classes. I don't know how she could have know I was terrible because she only got in the car with me two times. My Gramma took me out three times. Gramma let me drive to Beaver Dam and practice there, since that was the city where I'd take my driver's test. Gramma was smart! At any rate, no one else would take me out, not even my Mom's boyfriend.
When it was my turn to drive for Behind-the-wheel I was so nervous. I tried to act calm, but then the instructor asked me for my time sheets. I didn't have anything recorded on it. He kinda yelled, but didn't. I'm sure he knew that I had to have a parent take me out and that it wasn't my fault. I think he called my Mom to tell her to take me out - that's when Gramma started taking me out. Gramma lived in Horicon. She had to drive 20 min. to our house, drive me back to Horicon to practice there and then she had to take me back to our house! She never complained to me, but I sure would have liked to hear the earful she gave my Mom!
So, I was able to somehow pass the Behind-the-Wheel portion of the class. When it came time to take my Driver's Test I couldn't parallel park, so the guy flunked me.
The second time I had a different instructor. A lady! I told her that I still couldn't parallel park very well and that I didn't have anyone to take me out to practice. How can I get practice without a licensed adult to take me? She said that if I was like any normal woman, that I'd NOT parallel park anyway - that I'd drive around the block until I found a place I could park in. whew! I passed that time!
Having my license was so freeing at first. I saved up my money from my job at Main Street Pizza and I got my own car - a HUGE light blue station wagon! I paid for my own insurance, gas and I got a pair of eye glasses that year too! (good thing!) It was freeing to me, because I knew that I could pack up my stuff and drive anywhere I had to, if I needed to run away again.
Thankfully, I didn't have to run very far. Your Daddy saved me!
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