Sunday, September 30, 2012

ABC - A 13th Month

I have no idea where I'd add another month! Extra springtime? No. Extra Autumn? Yes! Extra Winter? Yes, but I wouldn't want the extra heating bills. Extra Summer? Maybe, but still - extra utility bills. I'd have to go with extra time for Autumn. 

However, one son says, "In between the summer months of June/July/August. Then I could have more time off!"

Another son says, "I wouldn't add an extra month because it would mess up the space time continuum!"  Gotta love a writer!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

ABC - Found Money

The scene - 'You just found $500 cash. You can keep it, no questions asked. What would you do with it?'

Well, actually, that has happened to me! I kept it aside for several things - a tiny bit for a short weekend vacation and the rest for bills.

I know - boring bills, but I'm uber and ridiculously responsible!! I can't help it! I paid my bills and would do so again.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Inside Holy Hill

Healed & No Longer Needed

ABE - Poetry!

Make it funny: Roses are red….

Roses are red,
I pee'd in the bed!
My hubby jumped up and hit his head.
Off goes the bedding,
So much for our wedding!
To me, he is wed,
Wet bed and sore head!
A vow he did make,
It wasn't a mistake!
But a renewal should also say,
"No peeing during a roll in the hay!"

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Intestinal Endometriosis

I had my initial G.I. appointment today - her initial thoughts/hopes is that my intestinal problems are "only" endometriosis tissues INSIDE my intestines. I'm hoping it's "only" that too.  She said she has seen it before and that with my history with endometriosis that it is highly likely. Of course, there could also be polyps, etc., but we are hoping for something "simple" like endo tissue inside an organ! LOL

I LOL in jest. I'm really kinda... a bit scared. I thought 'for sure' that MAYBE it was a possibility that I had endo tissues on the OUTSIDE starting to constrict a section of my intestines - and that could still be! BUT, I never even considered the fact that I could have tissue INSIDE.

So, anyway, tissues inside - also causes a leaky gut syndrome.  A leaky gut syndrome can also let endo tissues inside the intestines.  Endo tissues inside the intestines can also cause problems with food allergies - gluten intolerance - fibromyalgia or fibromyalgia-like symptoms.  It's all related!  I'll be happy to know what's going on in there.

So, next Wednesday I'll be drinking the "stuff" and Thursday I'll be under the scope! It happens to be Matt's birthday that day too.  In 2006 when I had my big surgery - the date was decided on October 4th - my surgery was the 10th.  In 2007, I relapsed on Oct. 6th'ish. In 2008 Oct. 4th was, I think, normal. In 2009, October 10th I was  hired at the library, so that was a GREAT year!!!  I don't remember anything to significant about 2010 and 2011, but now 10-4-2012 will have another surgery on it.  I hate ruining his birthday!!!!

ABC - A Good Friend

 I had a hard time finding information about this statue, but it's in Montreal. I think the photo may have been taken by: Stock Photograph by Darlene Bordwell 

I'm not a very good friend. I'm not nearly as good a friend as my girlfriends are to me.  I have a bestie that has stayed by my side through years of love, laughter, neglect, hormones and children.  There is another bestie - she and I connected in school, lived lightyears and lifetimes apart, but reconnected as adults only to realize that she/I/we were the best-friend that we didn't know we had.

 That would be me whining to my two besties...

These two women are so incredibly and intricately intertwined into my being that if I were to lose either one of them I would feel like I lost a major limb or organ.  Everyone should be so blessed to have just one friend like these women are to me. I am incredibly LUCKY and BLESSED to have two of them!

A stone statue of three women on a rock Stock Photo - 4250451

Well... we definately do NOT look like these women! LOL

Greek Like Statue of Three Women Embracing, La Serena, Chile, South America ...

Nor do we resemble Greek women...

The Three Graces at the Louvre
Not my photo - it's a flckr photo.

And... I have to say that we have never stood around naked with one another.  However, Renae did let me feel the lump in her breast.

I think we are a curvaceous combination of all of these women.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ABC - What Would Oprah Say?

Oprah’s first question to you would be? 

I imagine that I'm talking to Oprah because I have just recently published my Memoirs and she wants to know, "Are you SURE this isn't fiction?" She would probably continue by asking, "Are you on medications to remain sane?" To which I would reply with laughter and say, "Nope, not a thing!"  She would sit back in her chair and just laugh with me.  My dream.

Monday, September 24, 2012

ABC - Best and Worst 1st Date...

My best and worst first date were one in the same. Fortunately, he married me anyway!

Hubby and I were in high school. On our first date, he took me out to eat at Rocky Rococo's  Pizza. Little did I know that Rocky's pizza would literally cause a "rapid detox" of my intestinal system! We weren't 5 min. out of the restaurant and I needed a bathroom right away. He asked if I wanted to go back to the restaurant, but I asked him to just take me home - about 5-10 more min. away.

So, he gets me home - we lived in a trailer home at the time. Please read: Very thin walled housing with no sound proofing at all. I just make it to the bathroom after a hasty - "Hi-Mom,-this-is-Matt,-I-gotta-go-to-the-bathroom,-please-say-hello!" ZOOMING past my Mom, leaving my brand-new boyfriend in the dust.  Fortunately, Mom knew to keep the radio on! LOL (Thanks, Mom.)

After I get out of the bathroom, we leave again to go who knows where and my Mom proceeds to pinch my new boyfriend in the ass on the way out the door!  Good grief! (Yeah... thanks, Mom!)

It was our first date, but he still kept coming for more!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

ABC - Being Alone vs. Loneliness

I hate being…. lonely.

Being alone does not necessarily mean that I am experiencing the feeling of loneliness.  I don't mind solitude. What I mind is the feeling of loneliness. That feeling of not having anyone that can comprehend what I am going through. The feeling of not being able to SHARE what I am experiencing.  The feeling that even though my loved ones love me unconditionally, they do not and can not comprehend what I am experiencing.

That's when I feel lonely.

That's usually the time when God will send something my way to let me know that I am not in this on my own.  Most recently, I have gluten issues and a friend just shared the scripture, Matthew 4:4 "...Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone,..." that made me cry. I was so happy to receive that nugget of love from God - through the email  of a friend.

Sometimes, the feeling of loneliness goes deeper than just dietary. It goes deep into my memory banks - repressed memories that must stay wherever they are so that I can function in this life.  There are times when the feeling of loneliness is spiritual... I no longer believe in the everlasting need for organized religion, sometimes following the path that I believe to be the true way to God is a solitary one. At the very least, not heavily populated.

Lace-filtered light.
Ahhh... but being alone, now that is something that we can all use from time-to-time. Alone time to unwind, decompress, read, create, love, cuddle, bask in the warmth of someone or of sunshine. Watching the light filter through the lace curtain of my studio... Listening to the memory invoking sound of the mourning dove... Letting the warmth of freshly made peanut butter fudge melt in my mouth... All soul-filling times of solitude that I savor and hold deep in my inner-most self.

Friday, September 21, 2012

ABC - These are a few of my favorite things....

It's a simple question really, "List three things that are important to you."  However, it is tremendously challenging to pick "just three".  I will exclude my three guys - they aren't things...

I'm going to guess that this means material items, so I'm going to go with that thought process.

Revlon ColorStay Eyeliner
The blacker the better!

My MP3 Player
Gotta have my music!

Although this is an INCREDIBLY OLD photo of me - it's my 
digital camera
that I want you to notice.
...not the 20# heavier face of me...

ABC - Living Anywhere...

The question is: "If you could live anywhere else in the world, where would it be?"  Now, they aren't asking, "Why?", but I will give my reason along with my where.

I would live in the United Kingdom - Anywhere in the UK, with the exception of London.  The country is rich with history and beautiful hiking. I wouldn't even mind the weather!  Both of my sons want to relocate there, so I would have to follow.  Hubby will just have to follow me - love that he is.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

ABC - What to take on a desert island...

The question posed: "If you were trapped on a desert island, what are three items you would take with you?"


I'd take my THREE guys!

It doesn't matter what I have, as long as I have my family!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Autumn Blog Challenges - past...

I didn't start this Autumn Blog Challenge (ABC) until Sept. 19th, so I thought I would just answer the previous prompts all in one post! Happy reading.
September 1 – Why have you decided to participate in the Autumn Blog Challenge (the ABC)?
I really like blogging - I love writing - I love journaling. Sometimes though, I get writer's block and need a prompt to get me through the day.
September 2 – What is your favorite thing about Autumn?
The color. I love the color. I'm thankful every year for my eyesight - which is hindered due to a drunk driving accident I was in as a child. I DO NOT take my eyesight for granted.
September 3 – What toys do you remember playing with as a child?
A doll I named Nancy, my Winnie-the-Pooh, Uncle Wiggly board game and Bonkers board game. I also had Hollie Hobbie Colorforms! They were awesome. The board was shaped like her house and then when you put a lamp behind it, the windows lit up!
September 4 – Have you ever met a celebrity?  If not, which one would you like to meet?
I met LeRoy Butler from the Green Bay Packers - actually I met several of the Green Bay Packers. I also met Paul Poberezny - the creator of the EAA Museum in Oshkosh, Wis.  I had the awesome blessing of meeting and talking with (and having them sign my Bible by their favorite Bible verse) the Christian band, Sidewalk Prophets!
September 5 – Write about a favorite play or concert you’ve attended.
The best (and my favorite) concert I attended was a Duran Duran concert in 1984.
September 6 – Make a list of books you want to read next year.
I'm a librarian, so there are way too many for me to list! I do want to read a Janet Evonovich book though - I haven't yet!
September 7 – Where were you when…?  Describe what you remember.
I don't remember - My memory has the amazing ability to block out all things traumatic. It's because of my childhood - so much trauma and dysfunction... my mind protects me with situational amnesia.

September 8 – What is your favorite, “go to” cooking recipe?
Hot dogs and rice!
September 9 – Who was your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Dorothy Weber from 1st grade. Ms. Ronnenberg from Creative Writing in high school. Mr. Woznicki from 9th grade English - just because he was so flippin' cute!
September 10 – What was your favorite subject in school?
Art, English Lit. and Creative Writing.
September 11 – What was your least favorite subject in school?
Accounting and Algebra - in both classes I got a D- just because I tried so hard. I should have flunked, but I did try - I even went in before and after school!!!  It just didn't click!
September 12 – What was your high school reunion like? If you haven’t been yet, do you plan on going?
I think I've been to 2-3 of them - the first one was alright - typically clique-y yet. The next one... a bit better and yet still the same. The third one... I went to for about 30 min. and left. I don't know if I'll attend another. I see who I want to anyway and we are all on facebook.
September 13 – What do you think about our current educational system?
We homeschool our children. I know that there are wonderful teachers out there - I just wish that every child could have them as their own teacher.  I'm a bit concerned about what I see in the young adults that come through the library where I'm employed...
September 14 – When has being right been wrong?
One of my sons told a lie - just before his birthday party. I had to discipline him... I cancelled the birthday party. He took his punishment with grace and dignity.  Discipline is right. Lies are a problem.  Then we found out from his sibling that the birthday boy didn't lie - the sibling did.  By this time the party was cancelled and there wasn't time to "re-do".  We used it as a learning experience to stand up for yourself. Say something! When there is a misunderstanding - speak up!  It was also a painful lesson for the son that told the lie - he saw what his lie could do.  It was a hard lesson for both sons and us! However, they both learned that I will keep my word when it came to following through with discipline.  We really did not have any problems (that I know of) with lying after that!

September 15 – I am a people person except for people….
... that are outspoken and angry sounding when they are "sharing" their beliefs. I wish they would just shut-up! I tend to stick up for the underdog and get angry when others are so closed minded that they can't see straight.
September 16 – Do you think we’ve made our lives more complicated by trying to make thing more convenient?
No, but I do think that we've poisoned our food supply.
September 17 – What did/do you want to be when you grew/grow up?
I had to answer this one for the SBC. In that post, I mentioned that I didn't have any dreams of what I would be when I grew up.  In about 4th grade I wanted to be an architect, but w/o any parental encouragement that one fizzled out. Then, in high school, I discovered writing. I wanted to work for a magazine agency in New York, but then I fell in love and didn't go. As much as I wanted to be in NY, I'm very happy to not be there. As much as I wanted to write for a publication, I'm very happy to be where I am. As much as I THOUGHT I wanted something else, I am so happy and content to be where I am now.
September 18 – What was the most profound thing to happen in your life today?
Let see, that would have been yesterday, actually! LOL Nothing profound. I had to go to the doctor due to some intestinal pain. It could be endometrioma tissues closing in on my intestines; or it could be "hot-spots" due to gluten allergy; or it could be polyps; or anything else that I don't want to think about. Future appointments are made.  However, can I please just say that on Monday, September 17th I was given notice that I will be promoted in January!!??!! YAY! I will be the new Audio/Visual Librarian in January. I will be going full-time! It will be nice to have the money to pay off my medical bills. Thank you Lord.

ABC - 5 Short-term Personal Goals

Goals - 5 short-term goals.

1. I will be having a colonoscopy early October, therefore, the short-term goal for that is to get my intestines as healthy as possible. This will include being gluten-free. I will also be on soups and veggies. No meats for the time being. I am NOT a vegetarian, but I think to help clean out the gunk that being meat free for a few days will be a good thing.

2.  I want to make sure that I make a habit of saying only the things that should be said and keeping my mouth shut if it shouldn't be said. Not only the nice/not so nice comments, but also anything pertaining to or relating to gossip.

3.  Get my art studio in order --- again... sigh...

4.  Finish reading my son's first draft of his book.

5.  Stick to Wednesday morning Bible study with my son.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Oscillococcinum & Laughter

Just so you can see how tiny the Oscillococcinum beads are - here are a couple of pictures to help you figure it out...

They are pretty tiny & powerful.  The laughter part comes in when I tried to give them to Rick. He only wanted to take a few tiny beads at a time - and then hand them back to me.

I promptly dropped the tube onto his stomach and bedding!!!

Tiny beads all over the place.  I laughed and laughed, but Rick is too sick to laugh, so I laughed for him. I told him he could just pick the beads out of his bed one at a time and take them. At least he'd be taking them slowly!

***I did pick them ALL out of his bedding and put them back into the tube...

His Second Day of His Senior Year

Apparently, his first day of his Senior year didn't agree with him because he has been up since the wee hours of the morning barfing his guts out. Now it's the dry heaves and we are well on our way to mid-morning.

He said to me, "Madame Teacher, I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend classes today."
My response: "Apparently. Now go lie down and get some much needed rest." Then I brought him a stack of videos - the one on top was a Science/Environmental Awareness video. That brought a smile to my student's face.
Ever the homeschool Mom.

First Day of His Senior Year

It's his first day of his last day of school. I'll just write about this one change, for now. We have always homeschooled the boys. Every year I give them the choice of whether or not they want to continue homeschooling. They have always told us that they want to stay home. It wasn't always that I gave them a choice. When they were little, they didn't have a choice. Around 7th/8th grade, I asked them. Then in high school - we asked them every year.  I am ever so thankful for the time we have had together.
They know how good they have it. They get to pursue studies of their choice. Focusing on what interests them versus doing seat work and waiting for 20 other students to catch-up or shut-up.  They were also able to read their Bibles at any given time.  We didn't start homeschooling because of any religious reasons, but it certainly deepened our faith.  Anyway, in addition to the subject  matter  that  they  are  interested  in,  there  is,  of  course,  the   required  Algebra,  Geometry   and  dah-dah-daahhhhn Biology.
As for my Senior, he wants to fly. He wants to read more. He is very tired and naps alot!  I told him to read good books, not the immature 'filler' books. "Read something with substance." I told him. He is in the non-fiction section now. He is also digging further and deeper into his faith.
As for me, I'm in the initial stages of a joint graduation part - for both sons. For one, it will be a few months late; for the other it will be a few months early.  A necessary adjustment because my family is coming from 2,000 miles away and I want them to be able to plan and BE HERE.  Initially, we surprised the boys with the plan of taking them and our overnight guests out for a paint ball war! It should be great fun - just need to coordinate it all, but I think the facility will do most of that.  A big cake, THEIR own band, my brothers and cousins playing along with them - I can't wait for the fun.
Now.... to just get me through this final school year of my oldest. I'll be going through many tubes of mascara. Maybe I should just invest in a good waterproof brand for this year and then again for next year when my "baby" graduates...
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