Friday, January 13, 2012

Ocular Migraine

It starts out small, but more like a flash-burn spot versus this blurred spot.

Here is from Wiki:

It may occur as an isolated symptom without headache in acephalgic migraine. Although many variations occur, scintillating scotoma usually begins as a spot of flickering light near or in the center of the visual fields, which prevents vision within the scotoma. The scotoma area flickers, but is not dark. The scotoma then expands into one or more shimmering arcs of white or colored flashing lights. An arc of light may gradually enlarge, become more obvious, and may take the form of a definite zig-zag pattern, sometimes called a fortification spectrum, because of its resemblance to the fortifications of a castle or fort seen from above.[1] The scotoma may be bilateral or unilateral and vision beyond the borders of the expanding scotoma(s) remain normal.
The visual anomaly results from abnormal functioning of portions of the occipital cortex, at the back of the brain, not in the eyes nor any component thereof, such as the retinas.[2] This is a different disease than retinal migraine that is monocular (only one eye).[3]

The picture above resembles what I see. Mine are usually on the right side of my vision however.  Also, my auras have brightly colored flashing lines in them.  It usually starts out with a bright tiny white spot in the center of my vision - like flashburn.

My vision then gets a tiny half-football shaped, colored line graphic design in the center of my vision.  It looks similar to this picture, but always in my right eye.  It slowly grows out from the center towards the outside of my line of vision and then it goes away.

It has never been a solid football shape for me, but can you see within the squiggle lines of this art rendition that it is completely blurred?  That's what I see, but again, on the right side only.  No driving or walking for me when this happens!

 From this site:

According to the Mayo Clinic, ocular migraines (also called “retinal migraines” or “ophthalmic migraines”) are migraine headaches that cause temporary blindness or visual impairment.  Ocular migraines occur when blood vessels contract, inhibiting the flow of blood to your eyes.  An ocular migraine attack lasts around five to thirty minutes.  While generally harmless, ocular migraines can produce feelings of panic, nausea, and dizziness in migraine sufferers.

My visual impairment usually lasts for just over an hour.

I was so surprised to see these pictures on the internet. As I was laying there today I was wondering if I could draw what I was seeing - Now I don't have to!

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