Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's Been About 4 Months Since I Last Wrote

What a roller coaster those four months were. I'm just going to say it was like I went to Hell.

But, now I'm back. I learned a few things about myself. I have no regrets. I have no guilt. At least, that's what I tell myself! LOL

At any rate, I'm back. That's all that matters. Here's a brief history in pictures:

How we were.

Unexpected Surgery

One of my Loveys

When the bottom fell out - My cute apartment.

Well, getting closer to cuteness.

Lots to unpack.

My "Loft" area in the background there.

And, after 5 months of being separated......

Talking Things Over.

Slowly moving back home.

Taking a break from cleaning out my now empty apartment.

We really did like it here. We learned alot.

My wonderful sons helping me in so many ways.

Closing the door on that chapter.

Me and My Other Lovey.

One of the friends that got me through. Not the only one, just the one with a current picture.

The only candid I have of us. I feel like a Kennedy!

Then something else to think about...

Trying to figure out what's up with my body....

I have a great Chiropractor....

The challenge isn't chiropractic. It is something else. But, that is for a different post...
To be continued.....

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