Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ABC - My Potion

Rum Chata
Malibu Rum
Pineapple juice - frozen
Frozen chunks of pineapple

I will not share the amounts (mainly because I just dump it all in the blender) because I don't want to give my magic potion away! It's a witchy secret!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

ABC - Safety on Halloween - a funny

Buy your own candy.
Stay home and eat all the candy yourself.
Do NOT share candy.
Eat your own candy.
Eat it all before Nov. 15th otherwise it will taste yucky and you will be too full to eat turkey and pie and Cool-Whip.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tylwyth Teg - My D & D Character

Tylwyth Teg

The Tylwyth Teg ("the fair people") are Welsh fairies who live in lakes or streams or in hollows of the hills. The females are called y mamau (the mothers), a title which links them to the pagan Celtic deities, the Matres. Associated with them are the usual traditions of moonlight dance, the supernatural passage of time, the stealing of children, and the substitution of changelings. They are especially interested in children with golden hair. Their favourites they enrich with precious gifts, which disappear when these gifts are spoken of.

The Tylwyth Teg (Welsh: "the Fair Folk") is the common term in Wales for fairies. A synonym, Bendith y Mamau, means "Blessing of the Mothers". Until the early 19th century it was commonly believed that the Tylwyth Teg, described as ethereal, beautiful and fair-haired, dwelt in a number of places in Wales as genii loci similar to Greek nymphs, Norse elves or Irish Aos Sí. Such places included the lake Llyn y Fan Fach. Tylwyth Teg had Fairy paths upon which it was dangerous for a mortal to walk.

They are usually portrayed as benevolent but capable of mischief, neither entirely good nor completely evil, unlike the Scottish division into Seelie and Unseelie. In their benevolent capacity they might, for example, reward with gifts of silver a woman who kept a tidy house. Yet they might also leave a changeling child in place of a human baby. They are said to covet beautiful mortal children. They fear iron, so unbaptized children could supposedly be protected from them by placing a poker over their cradle.

IN the mountains near Brecknock, says Davies, [a] there is a small lake, to which tradition assigns some of the properties of the fabled Avernus. I recollect a Mabinogi, or mythologic tale, respecting this piece of water, which runs thus:-
In ancient times a door in a rock near this lake was found open upon a certain day every year. I think it was May-day. Those who had the curiosity and resolution to enter were conducted by a secret passage, which terminated in a small island in the centre of the lake. Here the visitors were surprised with the prospect of a most enchanting garden stored with the choicest fruits and flowers, and. inhabited by the Tylwyth Teg, or Fair Family, a kind of Fairies, whose beauty could be equalled only by the courtesy and affability which they exhibited to those who pleased them. They gathered fruit and flowers for each of their guests, entertained them with the most exquisite music, disclosed to them many secrets of futurity, and invited them to stay as long as they should find their situation agreeable. But the island was secret, and nothing of its produce must be carried away. The whole of this scene was invisible to those who stood without the margin of the lake. Only an indistinct mass was seen in the middle; and it was observed that no bird would fly over the water, and that a soft strain of music at times breathed with rapturous sweetness in the breeze of the morning.
It happened upon one of these annual visits that a sacrilegious wretch, when he was about to leave the garden, put a flower, with which be had been presented, in. his pocket; but the theft boded him no good. As soon as he had touched unhallowed ground the flower vanished and he lost his senses. Of this injury the Fair Family took no notice at the time. They dismissed their guests with their accustomed courtesy, and the door was closed as usual. But their resentment ran high. For though, as the tale goes, the Tylwyth Teg and their garden undoubtedly occupy the spot to this day, though the birds still keep at a respectful distance from the lake, and some broken strains of music are still heard at times, yet the door which led to the island has never re-opened, and from the date of this sacrilegious act the Cymry have been unfortunate.
Some time after this, an adventurous person attempted to draw off the water, in order to discover its contents, when a terrific form arose from the midst of the lake, commanding him to desist, or otherwise he would drown the country.

Tylwyth Teg (Fair Family) Rho’wch (People of the Blue Petticoat)
(pron. terlooeth teig) Welsh faeries who are good, dance & kidnap children with long golden hair. Their king is Gwyn ap Nudd. They possess glamour and can change into goats, dogs, cats and sionach/shynee: foxes. Gossamer is called Rhaffau’r Tylwyth Teg: the Ropes of the Fair Family because they use it to bind sleepers. They live underground in mountains and caves.

The way to their wooded country the Land of Enchantment: Gwlad Hud a Lledrith with meadows of bright flowers is underneath hollow banks that overhang the deepest parts of lakes, or the deepest pools in rivers. Mortals can not follow them further than the water.

They are dark-haired, one to three feet tall, wear birch leaf coats, moss breeches & gorse flower hats. They are associated with poisonous foxgloves which are called petticoats. They use glow worms for torches. They have white horses, the women have bright dresses of red, white, pink, blue and green on Mayday. They play harp and violin music; feast on wine in golden cups inlaid with gems on silver tables in palaces of gold and pearls. 

Their sacred well which cannot be drunk from is full of fishes of every color and golden fish. Pen y Boric, Corwrion, Wales, Afon Cegin Arthur is a portal and some have seen their houses submerged under the water. In rough weather the bells from the church tower of that town may be heard ringing, The lake is populated by herons, geese, cormorants, eels, leeches, water-hens, water-lilies, rushes & sedges. A sour apple-tree is lit up by fire during the winter half of the year. The faeries use spinning-wheels: troell bach in the summer and sing rounds: sìli ffrit: small fish divination.
On nights when the moon is full they celebrate a noswaith lawen: merry night. At midnight they rise out of the ground in every combe and valley; then, joining hands, form circles, and sing and dance until cock-crow, where they then vanish.

 The Tylwyth Teg are a distant relatives to pixies but still remain part of the sprite family - if just by a hair - even if they carry no true magic through their bloodline, which is acquired instead of being inherited like many other Fey. They are known for their particular nature for both good and evil deeds and so are called the Tylwyth teg or 'The Fair Folk' as a term of endearment for fear of reprisal. Very few adventurers or even their Fey cousins have ever met and talked with a tylwyth teg as they are very secretive folk, only moving when all backs are turned in order to preserve their mysterious nature - their greatest strength being others fear of their presence. Often they will enter human households uninvited whilst they sleep or vacate and inspect the upkeep of the dwelling, rewarding housewives who are dutiful with gifts of silver. If they are angered however, they have been known to kidnap healthy human children and replace them with sickly Changeling babies, the real child is usually returned upon the removal of all iron implements from the house and an offering of sweet pastries - the size of the offering dependent upon the severity of their wrongdoing. Babies would only be removed from households which are not suitable for the youngling to be raised in. Thoughtless parents have been known to have been struck unconscious by falling pans and pots or have the hems of their clothes catch alight with no warning.

 Tylwyth Teg are light-hearted folk but at the same time carry a heavy burden which is their reputation when away from their hidden homes. If one were to talk with a tylwyth teg the experience would be as if talking to a child, often they would appear shy and bashful - their understanding of common and sylvan languages is only basic amongst the older generations - but when under threat or intimidated retaliation usually comes in the form of a few magical curses and illusions although very rarely will the experience be fatal unless there is an obvious foreboding of danger. The Tylwyth Teg have always been on good terms with the creatures of the forest, for they take little but offer great deals of protection within the small forest glades which they rest - warded against intruders of all kinds. It is because of this ancient bond that many of the tylwyth teg tend towards raising abandoned animals and healing the injured, releasing them from traps and snares hunters set and animals will aid caught tylwyth teg - no matter how unlikely the situation might seem.

Tylwyth Teg have an appearance much like pixies with the exception that they are little more than half the size and bear much smaller, squarer wings upon their back much like the fins of a fish. Their proportions are startlingly similar to that of humans, with the exception of their ears - whose tips reach the height of the crown of their head. Often both the tips of their ears and hair will be a myriad of blues and greens, changing in the light depending upon the angle. They possess very bright and colorful eyes, more present amongst the women than the men. In all aspects they appear limber and unrestricted in movements, their garments usually layered soft silk and fine cloth - a full size tylwyth teg cloth garment fit for a human has been known to be given as a gift for selfless acts such as the release of a tylwyth teg prisoner without ransom or accepting a lost tylwyth teg into your home and making the appropriate arrangements - including the complete removal of all pure-iron implements from the house. 

The Tylwyth Teg are not known for associating long with truly intelligent beings for long, staying close to home and in tight knit kin-ordered groups. However the tylwyth teg in secret migrate to fellow tylwyth teg safe havens in order to cement marriages and prevent the dying out of their ancient civilization. It is often a rule of thumb that all relations with humans and tylwyth teg be only temporary, regardless of the situation with the possible exception of the situation warranting a reward which the tylwyth teg is yet to prepare. The fairies will often watch over children in their sleep should their name be uttered for protection although is often mistaken as a term used to ward off the removal of healthy babies from their cradles.

No alignment has been known to capture a tylwyth teg for long, though their tendency for both good and evil is always dependent upon the situation lead an immoveable belief in what actions warrant both positive or negative results - though these may vary from fairy to fairy. The most common aspect of the tylwyth teg is Chaotic Neutral, whimsical beings who will take their own decisive acts regardless of local rules or regulations. Should irregularity not be apparent, the tylwyth teg usually resume small tasks such as planting small seeds and other deeds which it finds fun or amusing. 

The Tylwyth Teg are usually secluded to one protected glade per forest, comprised of several family group and possibly a dozen blood relatives per family given the size and ease of maintenance. Each glade is set in a place of half-shade, warm enough to feel the sun when it rises and yet cool enough to keep the forest floor soft and lush. Each glade has enough room to fit an entire group of tylwyth teg and a handful of large animals while they rest, usually set next to a steam or pond or crystal clear water. This safe haven is usually hidden under more than a dozen wards, one that shield it from sight and discourage further searches - magically imbued thorns, illusions of gigantic spider webs and even sentient plants although these wards will not affect children of any race, for humans those under the age of twelve can safely pass between the barriers without ill effect.

The Tylwyth Teg devotion to the fairy-gods is a powerful spiritual bond, granting them many of their essential magical abilities. Each family will devote their line to a particular aspect of the fairy-gods, such as luck, growth and even larceny, though these faiths have strangely secretive rituals which are non-aparent to many other races unless specifically shown or directed towards minor actions such as rolling a set of miniature dice to make decisions or divine the future. 

Soothing Comfort of Home

I try to be my best self all the time, but especially outside of my home. Some days are more of a challenge than others.  These are some scriptures that I keep in the back of my mind. I don't remember WHERE they are when I think of them. I usually need a concordance to look up their location in the Bible. However, I know basically what they say and try to keep them in my memory banks.
James 1:19 ESV - Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; - I have trouble with the slow to anger part, but I'm always trying.
Proverbs 17:28 ESV - Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent. - I try to keep silent.
Proverbs 29:20 ESV  - Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him. - being hasty in my words was more of problem in my past. I have learned, but do always practice this.
Proverbs 15:1 ESV - A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. - Tact. I believe I do have tact. What I do not always have is patience, therefore, I do not always have a soft answer.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV - Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. - to me this means gossip and I try my best to not feed that fire!

Proverbs 18:2 ESV - A fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. - who wants to be a fool?

Proverbs 12:15 ESV - The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but a wise man listens to advice. - I try to always seek advice.

Ephesians 4:32 ESV - Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. - I try to always be kind.
James 3:1-18 ESV - Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!- I stumble often, but do not want to be a stumbling block!

ABC - 10 Things I Know

1. Love
2. Laugh
3. Forgive
4. Befriend
5. Trust
6. Give
7. Pray
8. Talk
9. Create
10. Sing

These are the first 10 things that came to mind about which I am highly knowledgeable or good at doing.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

ABC - Dream House

I'm in my dream house.

I grew up in rentals. Some were nice, small, apartments, houses, dumpy, farms, trailers.

The trailer was the worst.  Ice on the walls, no storm windows, no insulation, thin curtains...

My house is the best that I've ever lived in - it is my dream.

And I love the man that fullfilled that dream for me.

My front porch.

Friday, October 26, 2012

ABC - Favorite Word

There are many words... to choose just one... Mom

Now... I could have chosen the f-bomb!! LOL

I could have chosen: honey, love, darling (said with a British accent), sons, family, husband, safety, Hello-kitty or chocolate, but I like "Mom" the best.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

ABC - Letter to Myself

The challenge is to write a letter to my older self. I think I will do that, but it seems to be personal. So, I will write the letter, by hand, and then I will keep it tucked away somewhere to be opened at a later date.  I think though, that I will note in this blog post WHERE I put the letter so that I don't forget.

My intention is to eventually print my blog to book form, so hopefully, I will stumble upon this post and find my letter, should I lose it.  I don't think I will lose it... I will keep it in my Bible case - the one from my Mom with an angel on the front. Now I just gotta keep that case forever!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

ABC - My Autobiography

I have already written a partial autobiography. It's called Me, Myself and the One I Forgot. The link for it is HERE.

Please. Do NOT feel that you have to read it. It can be painful for some people. It may be painful for YOU. Disclaimer over.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

ABC - An Accomplished Woman

Accomplishment - a definition:


  1. Something that has been achieved successfully.
  2. The successful achievement of a task.

According to Pride and Prejudice:  HERE
Of this list, I have 7 out of 10 qualities.

Ahh..., but here is a modern version of an accomplished woman: HERE 
Goodness... out of the 19 I maybe have 5 or 6 of those traits!

Therefore, since I did not do too well with the lists, I should, instead, go by the definition.  I will say that the which I have successfully achieved, whether it be a task or possession, is my marriage.  When I look back at all that my husband and I have endured and look forward to - together - I can say that my marriage is an accomplishment for which I am very proud of.

Monday, October 22, 2012

ABC - Birthdays

I think birthdays are meant to be celebrated with balloons and cake. The night before I will put up as many balloons as my dining room ceiling fan/light can hold. I also make or purchase a cake... LOTS of cake. Then, we eat cake for breakfast every morning until the cake is gone. That's why I make or purchase lots of cake.

We may do other things for "significant" birthdays - like for the 10th birthday - the 1st birthday - the 16th birthday - the 6th birthday (because I think 6 yr. olds are amazing!) the 18th, the 21st, and then onto the decades 30, 40, 50, etc.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

ABC - Favorite Job

I loved working in a deli. I'd love to have a small cafe` somewhere and have it be all cozy and great. However, for right now my favorite job is working at the library.

Friday, October 19, 2012

ABC - Childhood Traditions

None. There weren't any. We moved too much. We didn't do things every year - things that were special. There was the bottle brush Christmas tree every year. However, it brought such grumbles....

There were always twinkle lights for the tree and when we couldn't afford a tree the lights went on the wandering jew plant. That was pretty.

Gram usually had a birthday cake for me, if Mom couldn't.

I tried to listen to the same Christmas album every year. Here's a Youtube link:

The only tradition was a God-given one - it has always snowed by or on my birthday. God hasn't let me down.

As for my family NOW - we have given up the Christmas tree for several reasons - space, storage, personal reason, etc. However, I have instead  made up wreaths for almost every door in the house! I personalize them for each of us and then for the family.  Those are kinda neat really.  We also choose to observe the days of Hanukkah. We aren't perfect, but we try to do our best.

We are also trying to pay attention to Sukkot and Passover.

ABC - Free Home Service

If I could have one free service in my home - I'm guessing the idea was meant to be something on the lines of housekeeping - if that's the case, I'd have to say dishwashing. I'd want someone to come in everyday to wash and put away my clean and dry dishes.  

However, if I could have anything free for my home that would be used regularly, if not daily, I'd want free cable TV.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

ABC - Kindness Towards Me

The kindest thing anyone has ever done for me...

Lots of things - Bringing my family food when we were short; bringing my family food at times of death; gifting us expensive countertop appliances like a Bosch Mixer; bringing us food during times of illness; helping out with finances or diapers or JUST prayers.

However, the most tender thing ever.... my hubby tucking me in at night when I can't move; my children helping me up the stairs when I can hardly walk; my youngest making sure I drank enough water when I was ill.

ABC - Funniest YouTube

I had to ask my guys for help on this one. This is what we came up with. I have to agree that it is pretty funny.

Here's the link: Dan Bull Epic Facebook Rap

ABC - Favorite Song

Homesick by Mercy Me

Saturday, October 13, 2012

ABC - Time Capsul

1 - A copy of Benjamin's book, The Fifth Wizard.
2 - A copy of my Memoirs, Me, Myself and the One I Forgot
3 - A family photo
4 - A digital camera with charger, cords, card and pics stored on the card.
5 - LP record & player
6 - Cassette tape, player and rechargeable batteries.
7 - 8 track tape
8 - CD with player
9 - Advil
10 - DVD, VHS movies
11 - Matches
12 - Money
13 - Sugar
14 - Wheat berries
15 - Articles on Monsanto, government issues, natural health, colloidal silver, ancient aliens,
16 - A Bible
17 - a copy of Don't Know Much About History, by Kenneth C. Davis
18 - Honey
19 - A Twinkie
20 - A letter explaining our lifestyle and current events

Friday, October 12, 2012

ABC - D.I.Y. - Tyra Style

I don't typically like D.I.Y. projects, although I believe in them. I think it's a great way to save money and have pride in yourself and/or your home or for whatever your DIY is about.  We've painted the interior walls, we've cut down trees, taken off siding, built a picnic table, shelves, etc. 

D.I.Y. is not my favorite thing to do or even think about. However, my funniest D.I.Y. story simply involves me ripping some old paneling off a wall in our back - now side - hallway.  I called my hubby while  he was at work and asked him, "Honey, where's your sledgehammer?"  He said, "Whyyyyyyyyyyy?" His boss almost made him go home! LOL

Everything worked out great and the paneling was taken down and thrown out! I then painted!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

ABC - Indecent Proposal It Wasn't

When hubby proposed to me, we were on the way to a Brewer's game! He asked me to go in the glove compartment and look for a map. On top of the map was a tiny box.  I knew what it was and I knew that this is what we wanted, but I was suddenly so nervous, I skipped over the box and grabbed the map - quickly closing the glove compartment.

To which my hubby declared, "TYRALEE!!!" You go back into the glove compartment and get that out! "What?! Oh! Well, what have we here?"

I don't remember anything after that - except that I was looking at the ring during the whole game. Behind us sat three ladies... in their 60's -ish, one of them asked me if I just got my ring. When I told her yes, they were all happy for us and gave us their well-wishes.  I don't remember anything after that either!!! I'll have to have Matt post here if he remembers anything more.

I don't know who the Brewer's played that night - who won - or how I got home! I just know that I landed the guy that I wanted for a long time and he's still with me!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

ABC - I'm Driving In My Cadillac...

Here's a LINK a previous post I wrote about getting my driver's license. It's interesting... I guess. However, the first time I can recall driving alone - I must have gone to the mall, actually... I think I went to Shopko! I probably bought a  huge purchase of Bonnie Bell lip gloss!  The drive was a 55 mph highway drive that took about 20 min. to get to the shopping center.  I had a huge black truck of some sort that belonged to my Mom's boyfriend. The radio worked - that's all that mattered! LOL

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

ABC - Family Heirlooms

My Grampa's paintings! Amazingly enough, I do not have a single photo of his paintings on my computer. I'll have to try and remedy that soon.

Monday, October 8, 2012

ABC - Items of Comfort

 My items of comfort:

A bowl of rice.

Pescadero, California - my own photo.

OMGosh! I'm ready to go to Wal-Mart!
My Pjammies, fingerless gloves, and comfy shoes and pink hoodie!

Frosted Sugar cookies - my own and yums!

A Door Co. sunset that we enjoyed together. 
I took this in 2007

My "go-to" movie when I need background noise - You've Got Mail, The Holiday, Harry Potter.

My most often played music (of late) Adele 21.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

ABC - More Time

It isn't that I wish I had more time, but if I could ever have time back again, I would wish for the time when I was trying to breastfeed my sons. I didn't try long enough. I didn't have any support. The hospital pushed for formulas. I wasn't educated enough to know better.  

However, now I know better and if there is one thing that I could do over again, it would be for breastfeeding my children.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

ABC - Carving Pumpkins

This isn't exactly what I plan to do, but it's so cute!!! I think I'm going to do something similar for the library with old book pages!

For at home, I'm just going to use a plain orange and uncovered pumpkin, but with the cute black mask.

Friday, October 5, 2012

ABC - Pumpkin Pie Recipe

This is my son, Ben's favorite recipe for pumpkin pie. Simple, quick and delish! Just click on the link. The highlight might not show too well - click on the words "recipe for pumpkin pie" and you will go to the link.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

ABC - First Hauntings

Way back before we had children, some friends of ours, my hubby and I all went to the "Brandon's Haunted Woods". This was back before safety inspections and politically correctedness.  Meaning - it was a lot more fun back in the day! LOL Anyway, it was great scary fun. The exhibits were amazing! 

A real car wreck - with a mannequin... or so you thought. The mannequin was a real person that would jump at you when you leaned in real close to look at the AMAZING details in the car wreck.  However, he didn't jump at everyone....

The photo above I haven't seen in person, but I'm willing to bet that the head in the pic is the dummy head for the daytime photo. I'd bet a chunk of change that the head at night is attached to a real live human and screams at you when you get too close!

There was a man all in black following us. Sometimes I'd see him, but in the darkness of night, he could just blend in to his hiding places and not be seen when he didn't want you to. So, SUDDENLY, there he'd be again, up close and personal breathing, literally, down your neck!

It was all great fun. That guy in all black followed me out to the parking area - deep into a corn field....

There is one more time that I want to mention - it's a first for me, so I think it fits this post. We've always "known" that our library is haunted, but one night I filmed a sound byte and got a real flippin' EVP!! I even got one that said, "Hello Tyra" it totally freaked me out and I haven't really done anything since - even though I've been asked...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

ABC - Scary Movie Memories

The Challenge posed is: "What is the scariest movie you’ve ever seen?"

Because I have already written a post on the most scary movie I have ever seen, and cannot possibly improve upon that post, I will give you the link for that, here.

It's an incredible story and swear to you it is ALL TRUE!!!  

Who needs movies when you've lived the life I have?!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I Have Off Tomorrow... that I can prepare for my colonoscopy on Thursday morning. In other words, I took a vacation day so that I can stay home and poop! LOL  I'm going to try and enjoy my time off - Wed., Thurs. and Friday. I'm going to watch movies - or the SAME movie all three days and just lay around and relax.

I'm not going to do anything!  Well... anything but poop on Wednesday night - be prodded on Thursday morning - sleep it all off Thursday evening - and watch movies all day Friday.  I go back to being a working lady on Saturday. Then I have off on Sunday and I'm not going to do much then either, with the exception of laundry.

It will be a busy and crazy work schedule these next few weeks. A co-worker had an unexpected death in her immediate family; another is expecting a baby any second now and the rest of us are being supportive helping anyway we can.

ABC - Halloween Costume

We are quite the group at our public library after hours!!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

ABC - Halloween

When I was 6 years old, I went Trick or Treating in Berkeley, California.  My cousins, Aunties and I went around Lola Mom's neighborhood. What made it so memorable was the fact that it was DARK outside!  Back in Wisconsin, we had only gone Trick or Treating during the afternoon, so the darkness was special.

Another memorable time was when neighborhood kids wrapped up rocks and handed them out - "I got a rock."

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