Monday, January 17, 2011

You have a Slinky

Tangled Slinky
We found you a Slinky - a real, old fashion Slinky. The kind that we grew up with - not these cheap plastic ones from another country.

You both liked the Slinky so much, that we bought another one.

There. You each have your own.

Shouldn't be any problems. Especially since they are identical.

How could I possibly think that there wouldn't be any problems?!  Of course there was a problem. One of you totally enjoys tormenting the other. That means, one of you played with a Slinky that was not yours.  So that means that one of the Slinkys became tangled.  That of course led to an argument and the poor tangled Slinky was rudely thrown... no, make that SLAMMED into the recycle bin.

So now there is only one Slinky.  Guess who will get to keep that one?

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