There are, of course times when we get crabby. However, it is next to impossible to REMAIN crabby when listening to Veggie Tales, Veggie Tunes. We'd sing with Larry Boy to The Hairbrush Song. We'd croon along with Cheeseburger. We'd try to keep up with the Song of the Cebu. One night when Dad was still working at Quad Graphics, we stayed up until about 2 a.m. singing entire Veggie Tales soundtracks!!! Laughing the night away.

When the temps get to 80 deg. and the humidity levels are high, I tend to get cranky too. It's at times like these, knowing myself well enough, that I declare a swim day. We'd often pack up and go to Green Lake for some swimming and for me to cool off. You would get a bit quiet and nervous, knowing the "Momma is crabby", but you knew that the minute I got into the car, rolled down the windows and cranked out the Veggie Tunes that all would be better. Once I, literally, cooled down, we could all be happy and laugh once again.

If you didn't get enough sleep at night, you'd be cranky in the morning. Sometimes you'd get sent back to bed for more sleep. Othertimes you were forced to take a "Quiet Time" in the afternoon. During our "Quiet Time" you could read or sleep, but you had to be quiet and you had to be in your room. Sometimes we'd do Quiet Time in the backyard. Other times we'd do Quiet Time in the living room watching a movie with the volume down really low. I'd turn the answering machine on and lock the doors. I'd pull the blinds and let the soft light of the late afternoon gently filter through. Sometimes there would be a soft gentle breeze, moving the blinds gently against the window sills. The final 'rule' was that no one got to disturb the rest of the family until the timer went off. I used this time regularly to regain my sanity, catch-up on my reading or writing. When Quiet Time was over, my boys were happy and joyful once again. You were ready, willing and able to laugh with me once more.
There were many times when our lives weren't constantly happy, but we were full of joy, we were together and eventually the sadness moved on. But through it all, we'd laugh and we were glad to be together.
~ Love you! Momma~
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