Sunday, August 6, 2023

Trips to Tractor Supply with the pup, 8/6/2023

Sammy. I have never loved a pet like I love my Sammy Sam-Sam!

He's an anxious little fluffer though. He barks because he's afraid of most things. I can't take him to the shop with me because he barks at everyone that comes in after him.

But, taking him out on trips is a different story. He's such a good boy! He doesn't bark at people then. He only barks when they come close or into his domains.

It is because of this that we especially like to go to Tractor Supply! He gets to pick out his own toys! What great fun!

It has become a tradition that any road trip also has to include a Tractor Supply store so he can get a treat and a toy for the trip.

August 6, 2023 - A lapse in time!

Oh my! Time passes.  Blogs go without attention. In 2018 I was trying to find my way without my anchor - my husband. A whole shit ton of situations and circumstances happened during my time away. 

The short bulletpoint presentation follows.

• Hubby and I reconciled, remarried and are stronger than ever.
• Family counseling is great for many reasons. I'm grateful for everyone's cooperation.
• My Momma died in October 2018. That's a whole other post to come.
• I rescued a sweet little male Bichon Friese. My little white fluffy fluff fluff! Grief purchase after my Momma died! Haha
• I had a colon resection, but the end result included a partial hysterectomy to remove cervical cancer. 5 blood transfusions later, we discovered that I now have Lyme disease, probably from a transfusion. Always save your own blood before major surgery! I am now 35# heavier than the day of my surgery, but cancer free. So, fuck off fatty tissues!
• Covid-19 shut down the world. I was glad. I had to work from home and thus I was able to get more rest after my surgery!
• My health didn't bounce back after surgery. Some of my co-workers decided i was either faking or milking it out... even going so far as telling me they recovered faster than I was. Comparing their surgery and recovery to mine. Forget the fact that they didn't have the exact surgery. Whatever. Anyway, skipping ahead about 9 months and I gave Boss-Man my notice... almost one year after my surgery.
• I quit working for someone else on a Thursday. I took the weekend off. Got a new haircut. Had my first official manicure, and went to work for myself, full-time, the following Monday.  It took me a month to decompress. 
• Dec. 2022, we expanded the giftshop into the shop next door. I now occupy the entire side of the building!
• In March 2023, we also lost my sweetheart of a Father-in-law.

I have always loved my life, even though there were some dark moments. My treasures are, once again, all in line. Things are copestetic!

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