Friday, July 16, 2010


We found... stumbled into, an opportunity for one of you today. An opportunity to spend time with Mission Aviators. Since you are interested in becoming a pilot, we thought this would be a great opportunity for you.

We can only open doors. We cannot force you to walk through. With the right mentors in place, we can only pray that you will find an interest that will create a spark for you. Prayerfully, that spark will grow into a lifetime of enjoyment, fullfillment and financial gain and prosperity.

We can no longer take you by the hand, we can only guide and counsel. I pray that we are up to the task. I pray that we can help you prosper and be the men that God created you to be.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I'm glad you guys learned to bake bread -- and so are our friends!!! Your bread is fantastic! You make a yummy garlic and cheese bread.

Ben makes a banana bread that is out-of-this-world! He says it's his secret recipe, but I have it too!!

We got started making bread when friends of ours - the people we bought this house from - gave us a loaf of home-made bread when one of us was sick. They eventually showed us how to further our bread making skills by grinding our own wheat berries. We loved this so much - and I loved the cost effectiveness - that we used a tax refund one year and bought a ginding mill machine.

I hope that you take this talent into your own homes and families, further spreading the joy and love of baking to your dear ones.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

School's out.... sort of...

Ugh!! Getting you two to finish up your schoolwork is a daunting task!!! I can't bribe you with a long summer. You don't care about money enough to make it worth while. Taking away your "toys" doesn't even work for very long!!!
I keep singing Alice Cooper's song, School's Out, in my head!
So, this year, you are ALMOST done. After several curriculum requirement changes, you are BOTH still grumping about feeling sorry for yourself. It doesn't help that I've given you enough time and now nag you like mad!!!
Oh well! I can't do the work for you and I'm not very lenient with you. Actually, I've been told by your public school counterparts that I'm very hard on you academically. That's RIGHT!!! Get that school work done! Don't meet a deadline? Too bad!!! You may get one more chance or you might receive an 'F'. Your employer won't like it if you don't get the required work done, so consider schooling employment practice!!
You're both very good students and your grades are fine, but I do like to tease you so!! (You still have to get this year's required work done.... SOON!!)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Your Love Languages

You each have your own love language. They are as different as you two are!

I read a book: The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. Actually, I read The Five Love Languages of Children, The Five Love Languages of Teenagers, The Five Love Languages of Apology and the original - The Five Love Languages. He has several more and variations of the original. They're very good. I've purchased several over the years and have given most of them away - only to have purchase more in the hopes of keeping one for myself! It will definately be a must read for each of you the closer you get to an engagement.

My oldest, your love language is "Time Spent", then a tie for second is "Touch" and "Gifts"

My youngest, your love language is "Touch", then "Words of Affirmation".

Your Father is "Touch" and "Time Spent" both equally.

I'm "Acts of Service" then "Time Spent"

I hope you remember this and never lose your copy of the book that I will make sure ends up on a bookshelf in your next home away from ours.
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